International Workshop on Cancer Genetic & Cytogenetic Diagnostics March 20 to March 22, 2019

International Workshop on Cancer Genetic & Cytogenetic Diagnostics
March 20 to March 22, 2019
Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

The International Workshop on Cancer Genetic & Cytogenetic Diagnostics, is a course focusing on all aspects concerning cancer (cyto)genetics in a diagnostic setting. Basic technical aspects covering
conventional karyotyping, methods and principles in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), microarray genomic profiling, MLPA, QPCR, gene sequencing and next generation sequencing will be
presented. In addition to the various laboratory techniques there will be presentations regarding quality assessment and genetic abnormalities in various types of leukemia’s and solid cancers. The
presentations will be interspersed with practical exercises with the ISCN 2016 system for chromosome aberrations and interpretation of cases. In addition, participants will have the
opportunity to present their own observations and cytogenetic findings which are difficult to interpret.
Since most presentations start with basic knowledge and end with up to date information regarding cancer genetics, this workshop will be of interest for all who are working in the field of cancer
(cyto)genetic diagnostics.

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