
The assessment of genetic changes in tissue biopsies can provide important information for prediction of tumour progression. The majority of such changes are either chromosome amplifications or deletions but there are often other complex rearrangements that can be detected using FISH. Current methodologies, namely immunohistochemistry or Southern blotting, can provide information at the gene expression level but, when carried out on tissue sections, FISH can provide information at a gene level, in situ, at the precise site within the tumour. Tico Europe offers a comprehensive range of Cytocell solid tumour probes specific for a number of pathological malignancies, four of which are exclusive to Cytocell. The FISH probes are designed for use on solid tissue sections which are available in a 10 test kit.

LPS0471p36/1q25 and 19q13/19p13 Deletion Probe Kit10 testsShow details
LPS047-S1p36/1q25 and 19q13/19p13 Deletion Probe Kit5 testsShow details
LPS019ALK Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS019-SALK Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS004C-MET Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS004-SC-MET Amplification Probe5 testsShow details
LPS015CHOP Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS015-SCHOP Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS003EGFR Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS003-SEGFR Amplification Probe5 testsShow details
LPS020EML4 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS020-SEML4 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS006EWSR1 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS006-SEWSR1 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS008EWSR1/ERG Translocation, Dual Fusion Probe10 testsShow details
LPS008-SEWSR1/ERG Translocation, Dual Fusion Probe5 testsShow details
LPS018FGFR1 Breakapart/Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS018-SFGFR1 Breakapart/Amplification Probe5 testsShow details
LPS007FLI1/EWSR1 Translocation, Dual Fusion Probe10 testsShow details
LPS007-SFLI1/EWSR1 Translocation, Dual Fusion Probe5 testsShow details
LPS049FOXO1 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS049-SFOXO1 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS050FUS Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS050-SFUS Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS001HER2 Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS001-SHER2 Amplification Probe5 testsShow details
LPS016MDM2 Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS016-SMDM2 Amplification Probe5 testsShow details
LPS009N-MYC Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS009-SN-MYC Amplification Probe5 testsShow details
LPS012PAX3 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS012-SPAX3 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS013PAX7 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS013-SPAX7 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS045RET Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS045-SRET Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS022ROS1 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS022-SROS1 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS046ROS1 Plus Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS046-SROS1 Plus Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS010SRD (CHD5) Deletion Probe10 testsShow details
LPS010-SSRD (CHD5) Deletion Probe5 testsShow details
LPS014SYT Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS014-SSYT Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
RU-LPS051TFE3 Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
RU-LPS051-STFE3 Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS100Tissue Pretreatment Kit, Reagent 1 (1x1L), Reagent 2 (1x10mL)1 kitShow details
LPS021TMPRSS/ERG Deletion/Breakapart Probe10 testsShow details
LPS021-STMPRSS/ERG Deletion/Breakapart Probe5 testsShow details
LPS002TOP2A Amplification/Deletion Probe10 testsShow details
LPS002-STOP2A Amplification/Deletion Probe5 testsShow details
LPS005ZNF217 Amplification Probe10 testsShow details
LPS005-SZNF217 Amplification Probe5 testsShow details