
LPU004DiGeorge / VCFS TUPLE 1 and 22q13.3 Deletion Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU004-SDiGeorge / VCFS TUPLE 1 and 22q13.3 Deletion Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU005Prader Willi / Angelman (SNRPN) Probe10 testsToon details
LPU005-SPrader Willi / Angelman (SNRPN) Probe5 testsToon details
LPU006Angelman (UBE3A/D15S10) Probe10 testsToon details
LPU006-SAngelman (UBE3A/D15S10) Probe5 testsToon details
LPU007Smith-Magenis (FLII) / Miller-Dieker Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU007-SSmith-Magenis (FLII) / Miller-Dieker Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU009Wolf-Hirschhorn (WHSCR) Probe10 testsToon details
LPU009-SWolf-Hirschhorn (WHSCR) Probe5 testsToon details
LPU010DiGeorge / VCFS N25 and 22q13.3 Deletion Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU010-SDiGeorge / VCFS N25 and 22q13.3 Deletion Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU011Williams-Beuren Probe10 testsToon details
LPU011-SWilliams-Beuren Probe5 testsToon details
LPU012Alagille (JAG1) Probe10 testsToon details
LPU012-SAlagille (JAG1) Probe5 testsToon details
LPU013Cri-Du-Chat/SOTOS Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU013-SCri-Du-Chat/SOTOS Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU014DiGeorge TBX1 and 22q13.3 Deletion Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU014-SDiGeorge TBX1 and 22q13.3 Deletion Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU015DiGeorge II (10p14) Probe10 testsToon details
LPU015-SDiGeorge II (10p14) Probe5 testsToon details
LPU016Kallmann (KAL1)/STS Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU016-SKallmann (KAL1)/STS Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU017Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Probe10 testsToon details
LPU017-SNeurofibromatosis Type 1 Probe5 testsToon details
LPU018XIST Probe10 testsToon details
LPU018-SXIST Probe5 testsToon details
LPU019Smith-Magenis (RAI1)/Miller-Dieker Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU019-SSmith-Magenis (RAI1)/Miller-Dieker ProbeCombination5 testsToon details
LPU020Monosomy 1p3610 testsToon details
LPU020-SMonosomy 1p365 testsToon details
LPU021CHARGE Probe10 testsToon details
LPU021-SCHARGE Probe5 testsToon details
LPU022Langer-Giedion Probe10 testsToon details
LPU022-SLanger-Giedion Probe5 testsToon details
LPU023Rubinstein-Taybi Probe10 testsToon details
LPU023-SRubinstein-Taybi Probe5 testsToon details
LPU024Saethre-Chotzen/Williams-Beuren Probe Combination10 testsToon details
LPU024-SSaethre-Chotzen/Williams-Beuren Probe Combination5 testsToon details
LPU025SHOX Probe10 testsToon details
LPU025-SSHOX Probe5 testsToon details
LPU026SRY Probe10 testsToon details
LPU026-SSRY Probe5 testsToon details