Wij zijn verheugd u te kunnen melden dat Tico Europe de nieuwe distributeur is van de firma ASI (Applied Spectral Imaging).
Hieronder treft u meer informatie aan over ASI. Wenst u meer informatie over de producten? Wij staan u graag te woord.
ASI develops biomedical imaging solutions, supporting fluorescent, Brightfield and spectral image-acquisition, for the Pathology and Cytogenetics laboratories. ASI platforms support manual and automatic scanning for a wide range of workflows and applications.
The GenASIs automated imaging platforms for pathology and genetic analysis provide advanced diagnostic aids for pathologists and cytogeneticists, with reproducible and reliable results.
GenASIs platforms can be used with any brand of brightfield or fluorescence microscope, and support manual and automatic scanning for a wide range of workflows and applications, to best suit the needs, size and budget of any lab. HiPath Pro™ and PathFusion™ are automated imaging platforms that provide advanced diagnostic aids for pathologists, with reproducible and standardized results. As your caseload increases, so can your lab enabling growth from a single slide stations to 9-slide or 81-slide scanning stations, additional workstations, dedicated servers, and modular LIS/LIMS connection to automate your workflow.
ASI’s GenASIs Platforms enable processing of more cases, quicker and with better clinical results. ASI provides labs with accurate, repeatable and standardized analysis of karyotyping, FISH, CISH, quantitative IHC, as well as spectral imaging for research applications.
For more information: www.spectral-imaging.com